Healing Broth


I know it's summertime and you probably think I'm a little crazy but I just feel like this country could use some healing broth right about now. Broth is how I deal with stress. You might say I binge broth in times of trouble. I think it helps heal body and soul. So how do you make it? Listen to your heart...seriously. I start with one whole chicken in a large pot full of water. Then I add extra bits if I feel like it such as chicken feet/backs, pork bones, and or lamb bones. Next, I add fresh herbs. You just have to feel this part. Does the smell of rosemary bring you joy? Need some extra thyme in your life? Bay leaf, parsley, lovage. Any and all combos are good! After that look to the savory such as leeks, onions, mushrooms, celery, and/or carrots. Sometimes I feel like all the savory and other times I want none of it. Usually, I want savory when I'm feeling a little down. And then for the zing! like garlic, ginger, and lemon. When I feel really sick, pork bones and ginger are all that goes in my broth. Bring it all to a boil and then lower the heat to simmer for anywhere from 3-12 hours. Salt to taste throughout. Then strain it all through a colander and don't forget to use your chicken meat! In my opinion, you can't go wrong with broth. If you follow your heart, your broth will turn out right. Self-care is important in these stressful times! Use broth when you need to lift your spirits. And then maybe share some with a friend who is struggling. And if you are braver than me, offer some to your enemy and help heal this weary world!